Body Image and Men: We Need to Talk
Body image is something that is often thought of as a “female issue,” and while it deeply affects many who identify as female, it affects all of us across the age and gender spectrum.
How Much Protein Do I Actually Need?
As a Registered Dietitian and athlete, one of the most frequent questions I am asked by my clients, gym-mates, friends, and family is “How much protein do I need?”. My short answer is, “It depends.” As always, there is more to unpack when answering a seemingly simple question. So here is my medium-long answer.
Why You Don't Have to Earn Your Food: Dismantling Harmful Mindsets Around Eating and Exercise
The mindset that we must earn the very thing that keeps us alive damages our mental and physical health while degrading our relationship with food and our bodies. Restricting or withholding food will only result in increased hunger, obsessive thoughts, and food urgency, which ultimately leads to feelings of being “out of control” and ultimately self-blame.
What is shoulder impingement, and how can you fix it without surgery?
Shoulder impingement is one of the most common shoulder problems that we treat with physical therapy at EVOLVE Flagstaff. But, this is a commonly misunderstood term, and we often see patients who have seen multiple providers without resolution of their pain.
We have helped many patients resolve their shoulder pain by following a framework that ensures we don’t get caught in these common mistakes. The framework ensures that we don’t miss anything, but can still individualize our plan of care to you and your specific injury
EVOLVE Strong March Programming
We are starting a new cycle this week that will have a bit more and different organization than the past few months. The block will be 6 weeks rather than 1 month. Overall there will be a similar amount of variation as we typically have, but I’m hoping you’ll notice more progress with this organizational structure. I’ll be training alongside you (I aim to do the Monday/Wednesday/Friday workouts each week)… should be fun!
When “Healthy” Goes Too Far: Meet Orthorexia
Let’s begin with a little game of association here. When you hear the word healthy, what comes to your mind?
Images or phrases such as gluten-free, juice cleanse, abs, dairy-free, paleo, keto, whole30, dewy skin, and ________ [insert any other #trendingnow idea] may have come to mind. As you can see, the term “healthy” is pretty loaded these days.